Thursday, March 11, 2010

Normal Day

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are…

Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect Tomorrow.

One day I shall dig my nails into the earth,

or bury my face in my pillow,

or stretch myself taut,

or raise my hands to the sky and want,

more than all the world, your return."

~Mary Jean Iron~

I "borrowed" this quote today from my sister Janelle's blog. It struck me as such a timely reminder to proactively live each day, to savor the moments, to enjoy the little things that make up THIS day. Because this is it. Life must be lived one day at a time, not always looked forward to as if the "real" living was somewhere out there around the proverbial corner.

This normal dailyness is the stuff of living:
Waking up under toasty warm blankets snuggled up to another warm body.
My daughter's insistent alarm clock in the room next to ours.It plays the rowdy "Hey, Soul Sister" every morning at 6:15!
A steaming mug of hot chocolate or a glass of fresh orange juice.
The daily 6:50am toot of my niece's car horn (4 toots exactly!) just to let me know she's driving by.
A warming spring sun when I step outside to let the dogs out for a run.
Hot homemade soup for a tasty lunch.
The smell of rain.
An encouraging phone text from a close friend.

I know from experience that when those completely unpredictable moments come (and they will come!) when life throws an unexpected curve and everything goes topsy-turvy, how precious it is to recognize that God holds my future. He still owns tomorrow. And He will be faithful to bring back my "normal" OR He will give moment-by-moment grace to learn a "new normal". Which, by the way, isn't always a bad thing.


  1. Fan,This is a beautiful post or should I say, "I can say a hardy Amen"!:) Love You sister!-Tom B.

  2. Who knew that the very NEXT day my "normal" would totally change!
    how ironic!
